Mississauga Muslim Community Center, Canada

Dr Ghazala Qadri addresses An-Nasiha Camp 2024

An-Nasiha Camp 2024 - Canada

At An-Nasiha Camp – Canada, Dr Ghazala Qadri inaugurated “The Wall of Knowledge”, a project of Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League Canada that displays the books of Shaykh ul Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri. The wall displays the different categories of Shaykh-ul-Islam’s books with a QR code mounted on the wall.

By the grace of Allah Almighty and through the ‘waseela’ of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Minhaj Women League Canada had the honor of organizing a one-day camp titled “An-Nasiha.” An-Nasiha Canada 2024 took place at the Mississauga Muslim Community Center on February 4, 2024. It was a full-day camp and included various other activities.

The Women League organized a Book Exhibition showcasing the incredible works of Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri. The event was hosted by Sister Saima Naz, with Aroush Ahmed, a member of Minhaj Sisters Canada, commencing the camp with Tilawat. General Secretary MWL Canada, Moaza Ghafoor, welcomed everyone, and Minhaj Sisters Canada recited a beautiful Nasheed.

A highlight of the camp was the two enlightening lectures by Dr. Ghazala Hassan Qadri. The first lecture focused on “The Role of Women in Contemporary Society,” offering profound insights into the status of Muslim women in today’s world. Her second lecture, held later in the day, addressed “How to Protect Our Values,” utilizing slides to illustrate methods of preserving our values and guarding against the influences of Shaytan. She emphasized the importance of connecting with organizations for the sake of Allah.

The camp concluded with closing remarks by MWL Canada President, Shazia Shafiq, followed by a deeply moving dhikr session led by Sister Sidrah Hasnain, Nighat Seema, and Fatima Malik. Sister Shabana Mughal delivered the Salam, and Razia Syedda concluded with a dua.

The book exhibition was a remarkable aspect of the camp, featuring Shaykh ul Islam’s books categorized under different topics, each with a QR code for easy access. Another unique feature was the “Audio Station,” providing access to audio clips, 8000 lectures, and other audio works by Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir Ul Qadri.

Minhaj Sisters Canada showcased beautiful models of the Minhaj Ul Quran centers. Additionally, the An-Nasiha board, containing envelopes of “An-Nasiha of our Shaykh,” was a distinctive feature, allowing attendees to take home personal advice from their Shaykh.

A large number of ladies attended the camp and were warmly welcomed by the team, receiving a folder containing a booklet on Dr. Ghazala Qadri, an introduction to the Minhaj Women’s League, along with additional papers and pens. It was the first booklet ever published about Dr. Ghazala Hassan Qadri. The guests were fully catered to with refreshments and takeout at the end, ensuring a memorable and fulfilling experience for all.









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